
Behind the Scenes: Kinn Inc.’s Commitment to Sustainability

At Kinn Inc., sustainability is a cornerstone of our ethos, reflecting in every aspect of our business—from our KleanBowls’ production to our operational practices. Join us on a deep dive into how Kinn Inc. is shaping the future of pet care through our unwavering commitment to the environment and our community.

Sustainable Materials and Production

KleanBowls are the epitome of sustainable innovation. Made from recycled sugar cane fiber, a byproduct of sugar manufacturing, these bowls are not just eco-friendly but fully compostable and biodegradable. This choice of material supports waste reduction and minimizes our ecological footprint.

Enhancing Employee and Pet Well-being

A sustainable business model enhances both human and animal welfare. Our 2018 survey, in collaboration with the Pet Sustainability Coalition and WPA, revealed that 91% of pet professionals appreciate working for companies that prioritize environmental impact. By embedding sustainability into our core, we not only boost employee morale but also attract and retain top talent who share our values.

Furthermore, pets benefit directly from our products. Kleanbowls reduce the exposure to harmful bacteria and germs often found on stainless steel bowls that haven’t been washed properly. This ensures that your furry guests enjoy their meals and drink all of their water enhancing their health and hydration.

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Sustainability is a big draw to many pet parents and pet care facilities. These pet parents prefer facilities that align with their values, and by using Kleanbowl, they feel confident in the care their pets receive. Our sustainability initiatives have also inspired a robust customer loyalty program, encouraging clients to advocate for our practices within their networks.

Economic Benefits

Our commitment to sustainability has proven economically beneficial as well. By reducing reliance on costly utilities like water and energy, we’ve helped our partners, including Camp BowWow, save significantly. For pet care facilities, adopting Kleanbowl means lower capital expenditures on appliances like commercial dishwashers, which are less effective at sanitizing and represent a high upfront cost.

A Legacy of Sustainability

Our efforts extend beyond immediate benefits. By lowering our environmental footprint, we’re ensuring a healthier planet for future generations. This legacy of sustainability is something every stakeholder in Kinn Inc. can take pride in.

KleanBowl: A Case Study in Success

The effectiveness and benefits of Kleanbowl have been well-documented. Not only do they provide a germ-free eating experience—reducing health risks associated with bacterial contamination like salmonella—they also significantly cut down on washing time and associated costs. They represent a perfect blend of convenience, health, and responsibility.

At Kinn Inc., sustainability is not just about going green. It’s about creating a comprehensive ecosystem that benefits our employees, our customers, their pets, and the planet. Our journey is ongoing, and as we continue to innovate and improve, we invite you to join us in making a positive impact, one pet care service at a time.