
Eco-Friendly Travel: Tips for Vacationing with Your Pet

Planning a trip with your furry companion can be exciting, but have you considered the environmental impact of travel? Don’t worry, traveling sustainably with pets is easier than you think! From packing to picking the right spots to stay, here are some tips to ensure your adventures are as green as they are fun. Pack […]

The Impact of Pet Care on the Environment and How You Can Make a Difference

Ever wondered about the pawprint your furry friend leaves on our planet? The pet care industry, like any other, has its share of environmental impacts—from the products we buy to the waste our pets leave behind. But here’s the good news: both businesses and pet owners can take strides towards a greener future. Let’s explore […]

Eco-Friendly Pet Care Tips for World Environment Day

As pet owners and caretakers, we have the unique opportunity to make a significant impact on our planet. This World Environment Day, let’s explore practical ways to reduce our environmental footprint while ensuring our furry friends are happy and healthy. Here are some eco-friendly pet care tips, including the use of sustainable products like Kinn […]

Behind the Scenes: Kinn Inc.’s Commitment to Sustainability

At Kinn Inc., sustainability is a cornerstone of our ethos, reflecting in every aspect of our business—from our KleanBowls’ production to our operational practices. Join us on a deep dive into how Kinn Inc. is shaping the future of pet care through our unwavering commitment to the environment and our community. Sustainable Materials and Production […]

Guiding Lights: Honoring Our Canine Heroes on International Guide Dog Day

Every year on April 24th, the world pauses to celebrate International Guide Dog Day, a tribute to the canine companions who serve as eyes for those who cannot see. These dogs are more than pets; they are heroes and partners, offering independence, safety, and companionship to individuals with visual impairments. Today, we look at the […]

Incorporating Green Practices in Pet Care: Celebrating Eco-Friendliness in Pet Facilities and Homes

As the spring season blossoms and we embrace environmental observances, it’s an opportune time to reflect on the impact our furry friends have on the planet. The call for eco-friendliness extends beyond our personal habits to include how we care for our pets. Incorporating green practices into pet care not only benefits the environment but […]

Green Paws: How to Practice Sustainable Pet Care

As pet owners, we cherish our four-legged friends and strive to provide the best care possible. In recent years, there’s been a growing awareness around the environmental impact of pet care. From the products we use to the food they eat, every choice we make on behalf of our pets can contribute to a larger […]

Gearing Up for the Holiday Hustle: Precise Tips for Pet Care Facility Owners with Kinn Inc

The holiday rush is approaching, and as pet care facility owners, preparation is your key to success. With a surge of furry guests expected, it’s paramount to optimize operations and create a seamless holiday experience. Kinn Inc has your back with these detailed and precise tips to prepare your establishment for the festive season. 1. […]

Preparing Your Pet Care Facility for Winter: A Comprehensive Checklist

Winter is coming. As the days grow shorter and temperatures start to plummet, preparing your pet care facility to handle the chill is essential. Pets, like humans, need warmth, comfort, and safety during the colder months. We at Kinn Inc. understand this, and that’s why we’ve prepared a comprehensive checklist to ensure your facility remains […]

Building a Sustainable Pet Care Business: Eco-Friendly Practices that Make a Difference

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword; it’s a responsibility that businesses in all sectors are beginning to embrace. In the pet care industry, adopting eco-friendly practices is not just beneficial for the environment; it can also be a unique selling point that sets you apart from the competition. In this blog post, we explore […]

Emerging Trends in Pet Nutrition: What Every Pet Care Facility Needs to Know

The pet nutrition landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by increased consumer awareness and ongoing scientific research. For pet care facilities, staying ahead of these trends is essential not only for the well-being of the pets in your care but also for meeting the expectations of increasingly savvy pet parents. In this blog post, we’ll explore […]

5 Future-Proof Ways to Implement Sustainability into Your Pet Care Business

At Kinn Inc., we understand that running a pet care facility is no small feat, especially when you’re committed to merging the best of pet care with green practices. Today we are sharing our insights on future-proof strategies that can help you transform your pet care facility into an environmentally friendly haven for our furry […]