
The Best New Tech for Pets in 2022

We aren’t the only ones who will benefit from the future of tech. CES recently announced some of the best tech of 2022 for pets. And from the looks of it, it seems like our furry best friends have a very exciting future ahead. From talking button mats to nose print identifiers, these are some of the best new tech for pets in 2022. Which one are you most excited for?



ITRI’s iPetWeaR

ITRI’s iPetWeaR

a 2022 CES Innovation Award Honorees, ITRI’s iPetWeaR is the world’s first smart wearable device that uses contactless micro-physiological radar sensing technology for pet health monitoring. A unique sensor that can be easily fashioned to a pet’s collar or into their pet bed monitors heart rate, respiration, and activity and can detect any abnormalities as they occur. These health updates are automatically sent to your phone via smart app. Additionally, ITRI’s iPetWeaR can help shelters and pet parents keep track of lost and abandoned pets.




Ever wondered what your cat does and feels all day? You’re not alone. The creators of LavvieTAG have designed a fitness tracker that can track your cat’s daily walking, running, sleeping, and calorie consumption. The LavvieTAG can help you figure out why your cat may be more lethargic than normal or why they seem to be more anxious. Using interactive graphs and schedule planners you and your cat can develop a closer bond and deeper understanding of each other.


Fluent Pet

PetNow Talking Pet Buttons in a Hexagon Shape

As any pet parent will tell you, you and your pet probably have your own spoken and telepathic language. But sometimes wires get crossed and you and your pet have a misunderstanding. Fluent Pet is designed to help you and your pet share information better. Using a HexTile and Ideogram design that is broken up into specific categories, Fluent Pet is designed to be flexible for learners of all levels. According to their site, “The FluentPet System combines ideas from speech-language pathology and cognitive science to design arrangements that help you and your dog (or other ‘learner’, as we call them) communicate and remember word locations.”

Whether you believe your pet can speak human or not, it’s a fun way to stimulate your pet’s brain and is a fun activity for both pet and pet parent.



PetNow Pet Nose Identifier Smartphone App

Did you know that dog nose prints are as unique as our fingerprints? Meaning no one dog nose print is the same as another. Using a combination of unique biometrics, PetNow captures your pet’s nose print which is then saved onto the PetNow app. You can use this data to identify your dog if they were to go missing. Additionally, pet care providers and shelters can use this technology to better help identify abandoned or lost pets.