Sustainability Matters: How to Create a Sustainable Business Beyond Going Green

Sustainability has many different meanings. To Kinn, we believe in creating sustainable pet products that allow us to help create a healthier, happier world for pets and humans alike. However, as we began our sustainability journey, we began to gain a better understanding of what sustainability really meant.

Our friends at the Pet Sustainability Coalition believe that sustainability has many definitions beyond “going green.” According to Stephanie Volo, Chief Marketing Officer at Earth Animal and an Advisory Board member of PSC, “sustainability is an integrated effort into an overall business strategy.”


What is Sustainability

Sustainability in business is an integrated effort that needs to be implemented into your overall business strategy. This can be achieved by creating a strategy that intends to take care of your business, employees, and communities. A successfully sustainable business is one that provides governance, trust, and transparency around the supply chain. While many people associate sustainability with the environment, it can go much further than just recycling or reducing emissions.


The 3 Pillars of Sustainability 

Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: economic, environmental, and social—also known informally as profits, planet, and people.

At Kinn, we focus on all 3:


Kleanbowl Nourish-Pet Refills are 100% recyclable and compostable. Check out our case study at . One of our newest product, Kudose V-Tech pouches are made with Solar Power and are 100% recyclable and often reusable. We will even take V-Techs back from clients when they want to replace them, refurbish them, and donate to pet shelters for free.


In our Supply Chain, we have an Ethical Sourcing Process. We work closely with OPARC, an organization that is committed to hiring individuals with disabilities. OPARC helps provide job opportunities, training, and development to support successful individuals within the community.

Inspired by OPARC’s mission, we also set out to hold a strong mission to provide opportunity within our product for your employees. We aim to help pet care services clients’ employees to have more rewarding careers. You can learn more about how we support successful careers within the pet care industry at 


We help our pet care services, clients, to be more economically sustainable in several ways. First, Kleanbowl reduces the time spent cleaning bowls by 80% which can either be dropped to the bottom line as extra profits by reducing that labor time. Or you can reinvest that labor time towards offering more services to increase their revenue. 

As employees hate washing dishes, Kleanbowl actually improves morale and employee retention which saves clients thousands of dollars in employee turnover disruption and replacement/search costs. 

Also, by reducing the transmission of viruses and bacteria from bowls between pets and humans, Kleanbowl reduces the risk of a breakout which can cause facilities to close and lose thousands of dollars. You can learn more about the dangers of illness and virus outbreaks from our interview with David Pearsall

When Sustainability Becomes a Challenge

In theory, sustainability should be easy to achieve. However, for many small businesses outsourcing can make the most sense for cash-strapped businesses. But when we think about sustainability, we want to think beyond the supply chain. Sustainability initiatives need to include cultural improvements, metrics to track and assess sustainability efforts, and continuing education to maintain sustainability efforts.


Creating Opportunity

The beauty of a challenge is the opportunities that exist within. Creating a sustainable business model allows you to open up the conversation with your employees and staff to identify problems and solutions that you may not have been privy to. Staff and employee involvement in the process of creating a more sustainable model is essential for the long term success of the said model. After all, it is your staff and employees who will be implementing this model on a daily basis.