Keeping Your Pet Safe and Happy During Summer Travels

Summer is a great time for travel, and often, our pets come along for the ride. Ensuring their comfort and safety during trips can make the journey enjoyable for everyone. Here are essential guidelines for pet parents on keeping their furry companions happy and secure on the road. Let’s have some fun this summer! Plan […]

Can Pets Get Corona Virus: A Look into CoVid19 and Our Pets

The CoVid19 has completely changed the way of the world we once knew. However, for our pets, it seem as if it’s the best thing to ever happen! When was the last time any of us spent this much time at home? While our pets may be living their best lives, many pet owners (the […]

How to Give Your Staff Peace of Mind

With so much uncertainty hanging in the air, your staff may be riddled with anxiety. In fact, you yourself might be a bit worried. We’re all learning the same information, at the same time, and because of this, it’s been difficult to predict what to do next. However, there are still ways you can help […]

7 Ways to Sustain Your Business During Tough Times

With a global pandemic happening and a likely inevitable recession, you may be worried about how you’re going to sustain your business. The good news is that you’re not alone. Many small and large businesses are struggling to maintain some sense of normalcy while we try to find our new groove. If you’re in need […]

3 Ways to Maximize on Slow Periods

It’s a strange time for everyone. There’s a huge juxtaposition between the warm weather having us wanting to go outside and travel far and wide and the COVID-19 keeping us stuck indoors. The virus has touched nearly every industry across the board. As a result, you may be experiencing abnormal slow times for this season. […]

Keeping Your Dog Occupied at Home During Quarantine

At this point, the majority of us have begun to feel the side effects of being stuck inside our homes during the quarantine. Whether it be boredom, fatigue, or just an overall lack of energy, at least we can understand what’s going on around us. Our furry four-legged friends, on the other hand, do not. […]

How To Tell Which Boarding Facility Is Right For Your Pet

Unfortunately, we can’t always take our pets with us everywhere we go. Sometimes, if we have no family to leave them with, a boarding kennel is the only option. How can you tell which boarding kennel is the right one? Make sure you do thorough research before leaving your pet somewhere.   Ask Questions When […]

Case Studies in Creating a Thriving Culture Driven by Embracing Change

Did you know that creating a culture driven by embracing change is arguably one of the most important business capabilities determining whether a business thrives or fails? If you are familiar with the survival of the fittest theory, aka Darwinism, you understand that you must constantly evolve to survive, much less succeed. According to change […]

Struggling to Keep Staff Happy? Try These 4 Tips

Staff drama impacts more than just your co-workers. Drama in the workplace can be seen and felt by customers and can bleed outside of work hours. From staff bad-mouthing your facility to clients and customers picking up on tense energy, drama is never a good thing to have in the workplace. Keeping staff happy can […]

Sharing the Love: Meadowlake Pet Resort & Training Center Shares Why They Love Kinn Kleanbowl

Meadowlake Pet Resort & Training Center are more than just Kinn Kleanbowl users. Over the years, they’ve become some of our close friends. We love being able to utilize their skills and knowledge to help us improve upon Kinn’s mission and develop new products. We sat down with some of the staff members and asked […]

Keeping Your Pets Safe This Winter

You’ve heard the phrase, “if you’re cold, they’re cold.” But symptoms of hypothermia and frostbite can happen a lot faster than you may think. Even just a few minutes outside without proper protection can put your pet at risk for frostbite or hypothermia. This winter keep your pets safe by knowing the signs and symptoms […]

Painkiller vs Vitamin Products

Have you heard of a painkiller product vs a vitamin product? The idea was first established by a venture capitalist in the Bay Area named Kevin Fong. While on the surface his idea seemed like just a cute way to classify products, this classification system has a much deeper meaning. If you’re not familiar with […]

3 Fun Ways to Exercise Your Pet During the Winter

Winter can be a difficult time for you and your pets. Not only does it get colder, the sun sets earlier, but there are very few days where the good weather and your schedule line up. Can you say cabin fever? You’re not the only one suffering from boredom right now. Your dog is bored […]