
Keeping Your Pets Hydrated This Summer

Summer’s sizzle brings with it a critical reminder for all pet parents: keeping your furry family members hydrated is as vital as sunscreen for us. The rising mercury isn’t just uncomfortable—it can be downright dangerous, leading to dehydration and overheating. But fret not, because ensuring your pets get enough water doesn’t have to be a chore. Here are some easy-to-follow tips to keep your beloved companions hydrated all Summer 2024.

Always Provide Fresh Water

The simplest yet most crucial step is to ensure that fresh, clean water is always available for your pets. Place water bowls in multiple locations around your home and outside if your pet spends time outdoors. Remember, water can get warm and unappealing quickly in the heat, so it’s important to change it several times a day.

Use Kinn Inc.’s Disposable Pet Bowls

For pet owners on the go, ensuring your pets have access to fresh water can be a challenge. Kinn Inc.’s disposable pet bowls are a perfect solution for travel, outdoor adventures, or even just a day out in the backyard. Made from recycled sugar cane fiber, these bowls are not only eco-friendly but also lightweight and portable, making it easy to keep your pet hydrated no matter where you are.

Encourage Drinking with Flavored Water

Some pets might need a little encouragement to drink enough water. You can make hydration more appealing by adding flavors to their water. A splash of broth (make sure it’s low-sodium and onion-free) or a bit of fruit juice (no grapes or citrus) can entice them to drink more frequently.

Create a Cool Environment

Keeping your environment cool can help prevent your pet from overheating, thus reducing the amount of water they need to cool down. Use fans, air conditioning, and provide shady spots for your pet. A cool environment will help maintain their hydration levels more effectively.

Monitor Your Pet’s Hydration

Learn the signs of dehydration: lethargy, dry gums, and decreased appetite can all indicate your pet isn’t getting enough water. A simple test is to gently lift the skin on the back of your pet’s neck; if it doesn’t quickly return to normal, your pet could be dehydrated.

Provide Water-Rich Foods

Incorporate water-rich foods into your pet’s diet. Foods like watermelon (seedless), cucumber, and lettuce can be refreshing treats that help increase their overall water intake.


Summer brings plenty of fun opportunities to enjoy with our pets, but it also poses some risks like dehydration. By taking proactive steps to ensure your pets are well-hydrated, you can keep them healthy and happy throughout the season. Kinn Inc.’s disposable pet bowls are a great addition to your pet care toolkit, ensuring you can provide fresh water anytime and anywhere, helping your pets stay hydrated during the hot summer months.