Kinn Kleanbowl brings pet retailers three distinct advantages:
Healthier Pets: Healthier hydration, nutrition, and oral wellness for their customers’ pets at home. To learn more, be sure and watch the videos at and
Healthier Planet: Recycling Kinn Kleanbowl sugar cane fiber Nourish-Pet Refills in the paper stream creates LESS WASTE than washing ordinary bowls by saving greenhouse gases, energy, water and serves as a replacement for virgin paper materials.
Healthier Profits: Customers return more often to your business to repurchase Kleanbowl Nourish-Pet Refills, generating a 100% incremental, full-margin new business line.
To learn more and watch the store training video please visit
For retailers who also offer pet service offerings to their customers, Kinn Kleanbowl is guaranteed to reduce labor/material costs vs. washing ordinary bowls by up to 40%, see to instantly see your cost savings and sustainability improvements.